Please check out this continuing ed opportunity in pediatric feeding. I am excited to be part of this event especially since the registration is so affordable. Thank you ABSSD!Please make plans to Keep Reading >>
Dedicated to up to date pediatric feeding and dysphagia information
Hi, I'm Krisi Brackett, PhD, CCC-SLP,C/NDT. This blog is dedicated to current information on pediatric feeding and swallowing issues. Email me at feedingnewsletter@gmail.com with questions.
Read More About Me Here...Please check out this continuing ed opportunity in pediatric feeding. I am excited to be part of this event especially since the registration is so affordable. Thank you ABSSD!Please make plans to Keep Reading >>
Guest post by Lisa Richardson MS, RD, LDN FormulaSense.com KnowingNutritionHub.comPretty much everyone agrees that nutrition is confusing! One reason that it feels so confusing is the way that food Keep Reading >>
https://mymunchbug.com/melanie-potock-live-events/For my local peeps! Hope to see you there!Date: Saturday, June 24th, 2023Location: WakeMed Andrews CenterWilliam F. Andrews Conference Center3024 Keep Reading >>
I wanted to put up a short post about my weekend activities - I spent the last 3 days in the Neurodevelopmental Treatment Association (NTDA) annual conference focused on postural control. Thank you Keep Reading >>
"It was a challenge to get 21 different countries to agree, with totally different thoughts, idiosyncrasies, traditions and culture," said Vázquez. "We had to clarify definitions and totally Keep Reading >>
I want to say Happy National Nutrition Month and Thank you to the dietitians working with children with PFD with a special shout out to the RD's working on the UNC Pediatric Feeding Team! This is a Keep Reading >>
Let me start with a sincere thank you to everyone who has followed along with this blog from the beginning. I realized as I was updating some of the pages this morning that this is the 24th year of Keep Reading >>
Interesting listen from NPRhttps://www.npr.org/2022/05/18/1099852517/a-formula-shortage-shows-how-policy-societal-pressure-impact-babies-parentsThis week, the FDA announced new steps to ease a Keep Reading >>