BackTable / ENT / Podcast / Episode #165
Implementing FEES for Infants in CVICU & NICU with Olivia Brooks, SLP
In this episode, pediatric speech language pathologist (SLP) Olivia Brooks (University of Florida Shands Hospital) shares her experience performing inpatient fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES) with host Dr. Gopi Shah.
First, Olivia reviews the presentation of swallowing disorders in infants. She explains differences between the two most common swallowing tests: videofluoroscopic swallow study (VFSS) and (FEES). Then, she reviews how she uses patient comorbidities and the physical exam to select the appropriate test for each infant. Underscoring the importance of collaboration across care teams, she describes her role performing swallow studies in the NICU and pediatric CVICU. She then shares tips on equipment, ergonomics, and teamwork while performing bedside FEES. The podcast wraps with her advice about working on an interprofessional team to care for children with swallowing disorders.
Listen here:
From Krisi: We are in the process of reestablishing our pediatric FEES program and I really enjoyed listening to this podcast! Olivia is a great resource. Check it out!
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