Let's talk about universal aspects in feeding interventionThis is any idea I have been playing around with for awhile now. We all know that there are different strategies and philosophies in feeding Keep Reading >>
Dedicated to up to date pediatric feeding and dysphagia information
Hi, I'm Krisi Brackett, PhD, CCC-SLP,C/NDT. This blog is dedicated to current information on pediatric feeding and swallowing issues. Email me at feedingnewsletter@gmail.com with questions.
Read More About Me Here...Let's talk about universal aspects in feeding interventionThis is any idea I have been playing around with for awhile now. We all know that there are different strategies and philosophies in feeding Keep Reading >>
I would like to share two handouts providing information on feeding issues in conjunction with congenital syndromes specifically Pierre Robin Sequence, Noonan syndrome, Turner Syndrome, Prader-Willi Keep Reading >>
Ahmed, S.A.A.E., Abdelgoad, A.A. & Khaled, D.M.F. The efficacy of 3-ounce water swallow test as a screening tool for dysphagic children: a study in a tertiary hospital. Egypt J Otolaryngol 40, 175 Keep Reading >>
Thompson, K. L., Clarke, E. C., Wasser, H., Schenkelberg, M. A., Agrawal, S., & Willis, E. A. (2024). Complementary feeding practices of caregivers of infants with Down syndrome as compared to Keep Reading >>
As feeding therapists, we work closely with caregivers and parents. Perhaps our biggest success in feeding intervention is helping a parent be able to feed their child. One way we do this is to help Keep Reading >>
Hello Blog Readers and Feeding Experts, I hope everyone had a joyous holiday season and feels the potential of a new year ahead. First, I want to say thank you for following my blog and hanging in Keep Reading >>
As we know, assessment is on going process with our clients and helps to direct management and treatment. It's an ongoing process throughout the time we are working with a child. Thank you Feeding Keep Reading >>
As we know, there is often confusion about what is a PFD and what is ARFID. This new consensus paper brings the conversation to the forefront of how these diagnoses overlap, influence each other, and Keep Reading >>