Facilitating Breastfeeding in Babies with Down SyndromeJoin Jill Rabin, SLP, IBCLC and Rachel Murphy, RN, IBCLC on Thursday, May 9 from 7-9pm ET for a dynamic webinar on how to support mothers who Keep Reading >>
Dedicated to up to date pediatric feeding and dysphagia information
Hi, I'm Krisi Brackett, PhD, CCC-SLP,C/NDT. This blog is dedicated to current information on pediatric feeding and swallowing issues. Email me at feedingnewsletter@gmail.com with questions.
Read More About Me Here...Facilitating Breastfeeding in Babies with Down SyndromeJoin Jill Rabin, SLP, IBCLC and Rachel Murphy, RN, IBCLC on Thursday, May 9 from 7-9pm ET for a dynamic webinar on how to support mothers who Keep Reading >>
Disclaimer: Hello, I thought I would write some posts about products I like and use in therapy. IN FULL DISCLOSURE- I have links here as an amazon affiliate which give me a very small amount (usually Keep Reading >>
Want to spend the weekend with me talking about evaluation, treatment, and current issues in Pediatric Feeding Disorders (PFD)?Let's dive into pediatric feeding disorders! We will cover how to Keep Reading >>
The Supportive Treatment of Eating in Preschoolers (STEPS) isa small group program for children ages 2 to 5 with feeding disorders and their parents in TX started by Jenny McGlothlin MS, CCC-SLP, CLC Keep Reading >>
Disclaimer: Hello, I thought I would write some posts about products I like and use in therapy. IN FULL DISCLOSURE- I have links here as an amazon affiliate which give me a very small amount (usually Keep Reading >>
BackTable / ENT / Podcast / Episode #165Implementing FEES for Infants in CVICU & NICU with Olivia Brooks, SLPIn this episode, pediatric speech language pathologist (SLP) Olivia Brooks (University Keep Reading >>
Interesting read By Alexandra Schwartz in The New Yorker, April 22, 2024When I was pregnant with my son, I took slow, blood-circulating walks around Prospect Park and thought about feeding him lemons. Keep Reading >>
By Marsha Dunn Klein OTR/L, MEd, FAOTAI would like to share some perspectives on homemade blended formulas for tube fed children. Many of you may know that Suzanne Evans Morris and I wrote Keep Reading >>