Disclaimer: Hello, I thought I would write some posts about products I like and use in therapy. IN FULL DISCLOSURE- I have links here as an amazon affiliate which give me a very small amount (usually a few cents) if you purchase from amazon through my blog. This helps me fund this blog which I am committed to keeping free and accessible. I have an amazon store here but they no longer allow Keep Reading >>
Spoons, spoons, spoons!
Disclaimer: Hello, I thought I would write some posts about products I like and use in therapy. IN FULL DISCLOSURE- I have links here as an amazon affiliate which give me a very small amount (usually a few cents) if you purchase from amazon through my blog. This helps me fund this blog which I am committed to keeping free and accessible. I have an amazon store here but they no longer allow Keep Reading >>
Book Review: Broccoli Boot Camp
Book Review: Broccoli Boot Camp by Keith Williams, PhD, BCBA & Laura Seiverling, PhD, BCBAI love to put up resources that I find helpful. If you are looking for an interesting and informative read during this time of social distancing. I highly recommend this book. Broccoli Bootcamp is written as a guide for parents of Keep Reading >>
When Your Picky Eater is Ready for Prom, not Preschool
By Jenny McGlothlin, MS, CCC/SLP, CLC and Katja Rowell, MD Anthony has been picky as long as he can remember. His mom however, remembers a time when he ate well; she even has the baby pictures of him smeared with pasta sauce to prove it. Anthony hasn’t had meat sauce for over 13 years. Though Mom wasn’t thrilled with the situation, Anthony thrived for over a decade eating roughly 15 Keep Reading >>
Packaged Baby Foods in the News
Many packaged baby foods exceed limits of these ingredients Parents might think that they’re making healthy choices for their children by feeding them food specially made for infants and toddlers, but a new study in “Pediatrics” finds that these products often contain too much sugar or sodium. Read more here https://www.today.com/parents/packaged-food-babies-toddlers-loaded-sugar-salt-t14121 Keep Reading >>
Adventures in Veggieland by Melanie Potock
Adventures in Veggieland by Melanie Potock, MA, CCC-SLP Check out this new and creative book on teaching children to venture in to the world of vegetables. I will confess I got a sneak peak a few months back. What I love the most is that the vegetables are introduced by seasons. This book is filled with beautiful pictures, creative activities, and yummy recipes. While we have been Keep Reading >>
App’s that can be used in Feeding Therapy
If you are against using an IPAD during feeding therapy, STOP reading here. See you for the next post. If you use an IPAD for therapy to encourage fun with food games, familiarity with foods or to encourage eating as a distraction tool, I’ve assembled a list of app’s about healthy eating and apps that expose kids to foods and provide education about food groups. Some apps I use and some I Keep Reading >>
Dr. Brown’s® Nipple Level Selection Guidelines for the Specialty Feeding System
I saw this posted on Nina Ayd Johanson’s Face book page, www.facebook.com/FoodSmartKids, and wanted to share. Great info, thanks, Nina! Dr. Brown’s® Nipple Level Selection Guidelines for the Specialty Feeding System https://www.drbrownsbaby.com/medical/sfs-clinical-nipple-flow-guidelines/ SFS-Clinical-Nipple-Flow-Guidelines Keep Reading >>