I hope everyone is getting off to a great start to their New Year! I want to sincerely thank everyone for their support of this blog. Each year I have doubled or even tripled my blog traffic and it has been a lot of fun as well as educational for me to interact with clinicians and families form all over the world. So, Thank You!
I want to let you know some of the things I have been up to…
The feeding team at UNC Hospitals continues to keep me very busy! We are always looking at ways to expand our packed clinics and offer the best intervention for our families. Our team continues to offer training opportunities, works to develop content for families on our team blog (http://uncfeedingteam.web.unc.edu), and participates in research with the Feeding flock (http://feedingflock.web.unc.edu). We have several other projects underway that I will write about through the year.
I have taken some time off posting on the blog as frequently to make some revisions and updates to my CAN-EAT course. Things are always changing in this dynamic field and I want to make sure my course reflects current feeding information including medicines, formulas and techniques. I am almost finished and will get back to posting several times per month very soon.
I am also working on my 2018 workshop schedule and dates are being set up. Because I am a full time working clinician, I limit my classes and like to give about 6-8 workshops per year. Almost all of my dates are set but I am looking to give a course in May to be hosted in a hotel but I am trying to decide on a location. Please email me at feedingnewsletter@gmail.com if you think you have any ideas for me!
much appreciation for the dedication and service you provide to our young clients.
sincerely, Krisi
Just tried to email you, but the address listed above doesn’t work!
I think the Washington, DC area could be a great location for a workshop! I’d be happy to help coordinate or answer questions!
Thank you!
Door County Wisconsin is a lovely place for a course.
As I look at your other areas of presentation I see Capper’s. I did a practicum there as a KSU college student many moons ago.