Love this article, look for medical reasons first!

Desiree Rivera-Nieves, MD1 , Anita Conley, MS, RD, CSP, LDN2, Keri Nagib, OTR/L, IBCLC2, Kaiya Shannon, LCSW2, Karoly Horvath, MD., PhD1,2, and Devendra Mehta, MD1,2 Gastrointestinal Conditions in Children With Severe Feeding Difficulties. Glob Pediatr Health. 2019 Apr 16;6:2333794X19838536. doi: 10.1177/2333794X19838536. eCollection 2019.PMID: 31020010 Free PMC Article
Feeding aversion in children may progress to severe feeding difficulties. While oral-motor and sensory issues are usually the leading causes, organic etiologies should be considered. This study aimed to assess the prevalence of gastrointestinal conditions in children with severe feeding difficulties. We conducted a retrospective study of 93 children requiring an intensive feeding program. The medical records, radiologic and diagnostic tests, use of gastric tube feedings, preexisting medical conditions, and medications were reviewed. Fifty-two percent (52%) had esophagitis, 26.2% gastritis, and 40.7% lactase deficiency in upper endoscopy. In those who underwent an upper endoscopy, 26% of patients that were also tested for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth were found to be positive. Allergy testing was abnormal in 56.6% of those tested, while 27.5% and 75% had abnormal gastric emptying times and pH impedance results, respectively. Constipation was present in 76.3%. Thirteen of 32 were weaned off tube feedings.
We conclude that gastrointestinal conditions are common in children with feeding disorders and should be investigated prior to feeding therapy.
feeding difficulties, intensive feeding program
Very informative article,
Feeding therapy can help children to resolve swallowing issues. These disorders can impact the growth and development of child. You can consult speech therapist in Toronto to seek help. There are various types of disorders and some of the symptoms are:
* Falls asleep when feeding,
* Has problems breast feeding,
* Has trouble breathing while eating and drinking,
* Refuses to eat any foods or drink
and many more.