Free Webinar: Infant Oral Sensory-Motor Treatment with Diane Bahr October 21st, 2015.
Hosted by Dr. Dave Singh introducing Diane Bahr MS, CCC-SLP, CIMI
Infant Oral Sensory-Motor Treatment with Diane Bahr
: October 21st, 2015
Time : 5-6 pm PST
Description: Most babies are born with good mouth and airway development, but many problems can arise beginning at birth. Participants will learn to identify some ways to help keep a baby’s mouth and airway development “in shape” and “on track” from birth through the use of appropriate feeding and mouth development practices during the first two years of life.
Currently have 14 month old, who was 2.months premature. Status post NEC X 2 medically treated. Large bowel obstruction with resection. Gtube paced in Dec 2014. No longer used per treatment under UNC feeding team. Taking 150 mls Of Elecare by mouth 4 times per day and three Thickened baby foods per day. Having complete difficulty learning how to chew. Currently working on lateral food placement with pudding like textured food. Feeling overwhelmed wondering if we will ever get there.
I have not been able to register for this course. The website listed gives an error message when I tried to connect. Is there another way to register?
How do I register?
Does this webinar apply to the NICU premature infant population?
Hi is it possible for the access for this webinar now . Thank you in advance