I want to start the new year off with a word of thanks to all the readers who have supported this blog by reading, commenting, and referring others! I want to say thank you to the clinicians and professionals as well as the parents struggling to feed their children. This will be my third year writing the blog and I am excited to report that we have tripled our views from last year. In 2014, we had 30,336 views while in 2015 we had 72,322 views in 142 countries.
So far, I have developed and created this blog completely by myself (which has been a challenge since I am a full time feeding therapist). I am planning an upgrade this year with some professional help so by Spring, I hope to have a new and improved look.
I am committed to maintaining this site as a free blog with free access to content. This is a dynamic field! I will continue to highlight clinical information, new research, related books, interviews, interesting facts, and case studies. I hope to add some E Books for purchase (only if interested, there is absolutely no obligation to buy anything) as well as a possibly take some related advertising (no unrelated pop up ads) to generate income so that it will pay for itself.
Please feel free to to give feed back on the types of content you would like to see in 2016 (either by commenting here or emailing me at feedingnewsletter@gmail.com).
Thank you,
Krisi Brackett
Thank you for all you do. I look forward to these updates and learn so much.
Hi Krisi,
I really enjoy the very informative articles. Your newsletter is a great resource for parents and clinicians. Would love to see something on positioning, especially for children with cerebral palsy and similar disorders.
Thank you,
Thank you! You are a gift to this field!
Hello Dear Friend!
Happy New Year. I love your blog and talk about it to families and colleagues whenever I can. Your energy,interest and passion for feeding are a constant inspiration to me. I wish you the best in 2016. Feed on!
Thank you Kristi.
Your blog is varied and interesting and I love how regularly you update it. The articles are so useful and readable and I really appreciate all the hard work you put into it.
Happy New Year
Happy New Year Krisi. Your blog is always interesting!