Hello Everyone!
I wanted to say hello on this beautiful October afternoon! I have taken a bit of a hiatus from my blog due to being completely overcommitted this Fall. I know many of you can relate but I can almost see some light.
This is what I’m up too…lots of things
- I just got though a big presentation for our wonderful board of the UNC Children’s Hospital. We were asked to put together a talk about what we do in non-medical terms. I mastered iMovie for this one so you may see some new and improved videos at my classes!
- This Fall, I have the privilege of teaching the Pediatric Feeding and Dysphagia Class at UNC- Chapel Hill for the second year master students. Send an email if you’re interested to see what we are covering and I’ll post about it.
- Planning for ASHA! I hope to see some of you at ASHA in Orlando, November 20-23. I co-chaired the Feeding Across the Lifespan committee and believe we have great program for pediatric feeding and dysphagia folks! Melanie Potock and I are going to tackle “The Marriage of Sensory and Behavioral Strategies in Feeding Therapy”. Hope to see you there.

- I am traveling about once per month giving my CAN-EAT Class. It is wonderful to meet so many therapists from all over the country. I am teaching but I learn so much from therapists at my courses- thank you! I am trying to keep my blog page accurate with course dates but for the absolute latest info please go to Motivationsceu.com. Next stop- Houston, TX!
I have kept a steady stream of feeding news coming through the facebook side of things so I hope everyone is linked into that. It is very easy to post news, articles, and continuing ed info there so I will continue to do that with some overlap on the blog. I will use the blog for interviews and articles and longer pieces.
Have you seen Marsha’s new book on anxious eaters? I am in the planning stages of setting up an online bookclub with the amazing Marsha Dunn Klein to start in the new year. Details to come! You can order the book here: https://www.getpermissionapproach.com/the-book-1

My hope is to get back to posting fairly regularly in about a month.
Hope everyone is well and continuing to do amazing work with our feeders!
I hope that your will continue to respond to your greatest admirers and experts, parents. We have much to contribute. I have two nutritionist, one who makes a plan based on what we discuss and one who makes a plan based on her clinical knowledge. The first give me some ideas, the 2nd gives me recommendations that don’t work. I find this difficult to work with. One comes from and endocrinologists office and the 2nd from GI. So number 2 recommended a decrease/change in pediatric formula, so toddler is losing weight. My child doesn’t like the change. As a result she won’t drink it. Her blood sugars are high and she is losing weight. No worries, I have a supportive nurse. But when my child is doing well, the agency wants her to cut back. Then my child doesn’t so then she can come more often. I am caught in the middle. Yes, I do advocate. This is ridiculous. Please providers listen to parents and help, not change everything so it doesn’t work and undermine that which does!
I am interested in learning what you are teaching in your master class.