I think these are great if you are looking for up-to-date pediatric nutrition information. Topics can be delivered to your inbox if you join NASPGHAN’s CPNP but are also available to view HERE: new each month!
This month is on Arsenic Exposure from Rice Products. Nutrition Pearls are short presentations, prepared by CPNP members as a “hot topic” educational item for NASPGHAN physician members, particularly for those members who have limited access to pediatric nutritional professionals. A new topic will come to you monthly to help you stay up-to-date.
If you have ideas or suggestions for topics you’d like to hear more about, please email CPNP atcpnp.naspghan@gmail.com.
Just click on the link to check the website for each month’s posting.
To get it emailed to you, you need to join NASPGHAN’s CPNP. Dietitians are eligible to be full members and everyone else can join as an associate member: Membership is $25/year. https://www.naspghan.org/content/123/en/
I agree! These are great pearls of wisdom. It’s very inexpensive to join CPNP.