The Feeding Flock research team has developed a set of valid and reliable measures of feeding for assessment of feeding in infants and young children from birth to 7 years old. From the Feeding flock website,
Feeding Flock Assessment Tools:
Early Feeding Skills (EFS) Assessment
- Intended use: To be completed by a clinician for the assessment of breastfeeding or bottle feeding in infants less than 7 months old.
Neonatal Eating Assessment Tool – Breastfeeding (NeoEAT – Breastfeeding)
- Intended use: To be completed by a parent or primary care provider for the assessment of breastfeeding in infants less than 7 months old.
- There are 2 versions of this tool: The full version is intended for use in clinical practice and research. The Screener version (10 questions) is intended for clinical screening of infants to identify whether the full version is needed.
Neonatal Eating Assessment Tool – Bottle feeding (NeoEAT – Bottle feeding)
- Intended use: To be completed by a parent or primary care provider for the assessment of bottle feeding in infants less than 7 months old.
- There are 2 versions of this tool: The full version is intended for use in clinical practice and research. The Screener version (10 questions) is intended for clinical screening of infants to identify whether the full version is needed.
Pediatric Eating Assessment Tool (PediEAT)
- Intended use: To be completed by a parent or primary care provider for the assessment of symptoms of problematic feeding in children being offered solid foods between the ages of 6 months and 7 years old.
- There are 4 versions of the PediEAT: The full version is intended for use in clinical practice and research. There are 3 screening versions for ages 6-15 months, 15 months – 2.5 years, and 2.5-7 years. The screening versions are intended to screen children to identify whether the full version is needed.
Child Oral and Motor Proficency Scale (ChOMPS)
- Intended use: To be completed by a parent or primary care provider for the assessment of eating and related skills in children being offered solid foods between the ages of 6 months and 7 years old.
Family Management Measure of Feeding (FaMM Feed)
- Intended use: To be completed by a parent or primary care provider for the assessment of the family’s management style with regards to their child’s feeding. Intended to be used with families of children with feeding problems. Ages of children: birth to 18 years.
Impact of Feeding on the Parent and Family
- Intended use: To be completed by a parent or primary care provider for the assessment of the impact of the child’s feeding on the parent and family. Intended to be used with families of children with or without problematic feeding. Ages of children: birth to 18 years.
To request one or more of the tools described below, please fill out the request form here.
Would like to see various standard assessment tools. I studied years ago under Suzanne Evans Morris and am also SOS trained. I have several children that have been followed by the UNC feeding team. Thank you so much!
Hi There!
My name is LaShelle Rullan and I’m an OT with Cortica in California, the Marin site (northern Ca). I’m also our Interim Director of Sensorimotor and Communications Therapies, and we’re working on building our SOS Food school program.
I’m interested in the PediEAT tools for our clinic’s Feeding assessments. How can we get copies of these forms (screens and full versions).
They are free tools to download from the Feeding Flock website
Neonatal Eating Assessment Tool – Bottle feeding (NeoEAT – Bottle feeding)
◾Intended use: To be completed by a parent or primary care provider for the assessment of bottle feeding in infants less than 7 months old.
◾There are 2 versions of this tool: The full version is intended for use in clinical practice and research. The Screener version (10 questions) is intended for clinical screening of infants to identify whether the full version is needed.
Pediatric Eating Assessment Tool (PediEAT)
◾Intended use: To be completed by a parent or primary care provider for the assessment of symptoms of problematic feeding in children being offered solid foods between the ages of 6 months and 7 years old.
◾There are 4 versions of the PediEAT: The full version is intended for use in clinical practice and research. There are 3 screening versions for ages 6-15 months, 15 months – 2.5 years, and 2.5-7 years. The screening versions are intended to screen children to identify whether the full version is needed.
Could I please get a copy of the above feeding flock assessments?
I cannot access to download the materials anymore:(
I can’t access to get the materials.
I also cannot access the site unfortunately.
The Feeding Flock website is under construction but should be up soon (Feb I think) and the tools will be available there!
The Feeding Flock website is under construction but should be up soon (Feb I think) and the tools will be available there!
The Feeding Flock website is under construction but should be up soon (Feb I think) and the tools will be available there!
Hello! I would like to know where I can access a copy of the FaMMFeed and the Impact of feeding on the parent and family. I’m an SLP and would like to include these tools more in our feeding team assessments. The link appears to be broken. Thanks!
The Feeding Flock website is under construction but should be up soon (Feb I think) and the tools will be available there!
Would like to know how the pedi eat is documented amongst professionals in their notes
Thank you for your comment, we have the Pedi-EAT built into our medical charting system and report the results of each question with a total of the subsections and total score listed with the interpretation of the score. It can be agree at way to gather info before the evaluation. Krisi
I am interested in obtaining the PediEAT, ChOMPS, FamFeed and the Impact of feeding on the parent and family. I saw the PEdiEAT was referenced in an article in OT practice, June 2022. I think these would be helpful to our clinic. Is there a cost for these?
Hi there! I am having trouble accessing the assessment tools. It looks like the website was under construction. Is there a different way to access these tools? Thanks!
Hello I would love the (ChOMPS) feeding assessment if possible!
Hi. I would also love to gain access to the ChOMPS feeding resource. Is the website up and running?
Hi, I would like to access the Impact of Feeding on the Parent and Family Tool – How do I go about doing this? Thank you.
Hi – I am trying to download the tools but it says the file has been deleted.
Feeding Flock is updating its website and all the tools will be available soon! thank you for messaging.
Would it be possible to get a copy of each of the assessments listed?
Thank you so much for supporting infant and pediatric feeding!
I am very interested in these assessments, but it looks like the website is still not working. Is there any other way to get them? I am particularly interested in the PediEat, ChOMPS, FaMM Feed, and Impact of Feeding on the Family.
Would it be possible to get a copy of each of the assessments listed?
Thank you so much for supporting infant and pediatric feeding!
Hola! Quisiera acceder a los formularios para la evaluación e intervención desde TO.
Mi nombre es Nadia Rocha Lic en TO, certificada en IS
Muchas gracias!
Nadia, the forms (English and translations) are available on for free. Thank you!