I presented a case to Rowena Bennett, RN, RM, MHN, CHN, IBCLC, author of Your Baby's Bottle Feeding Aversion. We have used Rowena's techniques many times to help our infants who come to us with bottle refusal or sleep feeding issues. She graciously gave me some advice and I am sharing it here so you can learn with me. Thank you Rowena!Case: 24 month old female who breast feeds every 2 Keep Reading >>
Lactation-Feeding Clinic, an Innovative Model of Care
In this post, I would like to highlight the Lactation-Feeding clinic at UNC Hospitals. Lillian Scott, M.S., CCC-SLP, IBCLC and Cambria Stephens BSN, RN, IBCLC have developed a wonderful model of care for infants and mothers who are breast feeding or desire using human milk. This clinic has been a needed adjunct to the feeding team and has allowed us to provide better support for our Keep Reading >>
Pediatric Feeding Podcast
As many of you know, I'm a big fan of Jill Rabin's work. I am intrigued by the idea of modifying Baby Led Weaning for children with special needs. In this episode, you can hear Jill talk about some of her ideas. Thank you Hallie for this informative podcast. The Untethered Podcast with Hallie Bulkin MA, CCC-SLP, COMEpisode 31: Jill Rabin M.S., CCC-SLP/L, IBCLCDecember 30, 2019In this episode, Keep Reading >>
Updates from the Feeding Flock
Updates from the Feeding FlockThere is now a third version of the NeoEAT for infants who are doing a combination of breastfeeding and bottle-feeding: the NeoEAT - Mixed Feeding. The paper just came out today and is open access, so you can download the PDF for free from the link below: [https://rdcu.be/bMxan](http://em.rdcu.be/wf/click…) Keep Reading >>
New study examines the resurgence of milk sharing
PEDIATRIC ACADEMIC SOCIETIESBALTIMORE - A new study examines the history and resurgence of milk sharing. Findings from the study will be presented during the Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) 2019 Meeting, taking place on April 24 - May 1 in Baltimore.Wet nursing was considered the safest and most popular alternative form of nutrition until further options were invented, leading to the eventual Keep Reading >>
Bias of Infant Feeding
BBy Lillian Scott, MS, CCC-SLP, IBCLClilliangrayscott@gmail.comBefore diving into this post, please take a few minutes to close your eyes and reflect. Think back to how you and your siblings were fed during infancy. Were you breast/chestfed? Did you help feed your siblings or another baby? Did you pretend to breast/chestfed your dolls? Were you bottle fed formula? Maybe a hybrid of Keep Reading >>
Acquiring Breastfeeding Assessment and Intervention Skills as an SLP
by Adara Blake, MS, CCC-SLP, IBCLC adaranblake@gmail.com As a Speech-Language Pathologist and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), I’m proud to combine my understanding of swallowing and barriers to safe feeding with an understanding of the physiology and mechanics of lactation and breastfeeding. As breastfeeding rates rise, the expectation that healthcare providers Keep Reading >>
Current Info on Tongue and Lip Tie
Interview with Autumn Read Henning, SLP, founder of Chrysalis Feeding, LLC. Developer of TOTS (Tethered Oral Tissues Specialty) Training. What kind of assessment do you recommend- informal or formal? I recommend a conglomeration of formal measures and informal observations. Components of my assessment include : a very in-depth case history functional Keep Reading >>