I wanted to pass on a summary of an article that was posted on medscape this week. It highlights that there is some encouraging research looking at probiotics and colic. There is so much going on in Keep Reading >>
The importance of gastroenterology in treating feeding problems.
At UNC Hospitals, I do about 7 new feeding evals each week. 5 of these are with our pediatric feeding team which includes speech, GI and nutrition and 2 are scheduled as a speech pathology/feeding Keep Reading >>
Neuroanatomy Review Relative to Swallowing: Part II Susan G. Butler, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Review of the Cranial Nerves We Assess Indirectly During Oral Mechanism Examinations Cranial Nerve V: Trigeminal • The Trigeminal Nerve emerges from the pons of the brainstem. It has Keep Reading >>
Transitioning past a suckle oral transport pattern
By Cathy Fox MS OT/L & Krisi Brackett MS SLP/CCC Children with feeding problems often get stuck in the suckle oral transport pattern and have difficulty advancing to higher level oral Keep Reading >>
Soy Protein-Based Formulas in Infant Feeding- use them or not?
Traditionally, soy protein-based formulas have been recommended as an alternative to cow's milk formula when an infant presents with colic or suspected intolerance or allergy. However, there is Keep Reading >>
The Enteric Nervous System
I saw this posted on the dysphagia list serve from Renee Campbell and thought I would repost: For information about the relationship between the CNS and the digestive system an excellent review is Keep Reading >>
Baby Led Weaning
Baby Led Weaning Recently, I have had several parents and friends ask me my opinion about Baby Led Weaning (BLW). Baby Led Weaning is defined on the BLW website as “letting your child feed Keep Reading >>
Welcome to Pediatric Feeding News!
I want to welcome you to pediatric feeding news! You have most likely found yourself here because you work in the area of pediatric feeding or you are interested in feeding issues and want more Keep Reading >>
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