I wanted to highlight the Autism speaks website specifically the exploring feeding tool kit and the constipation tool kit. You can go to the site, register and download them for free. Research is indicating that children with autism have more constipation, reflux, and food intolerance than their typically developing peers. We also know that that same trio of issues negatively contributes to feeding problems in children with and without autism spectrum disorders. These guides are a good reference tool.
These guides are well written and easy to follow and provide helpful information on feeding and constipation for all children who are identified with these issues.
Autism Speaks is the world’s leading autism science and advocacy organization, dedicated to funding research into the causes, prevention, treatments and a cure for autism; increasing awareness of autism spectrum disorders; and advocating for the needs of individuals with autism and their families.
Mission: to change the future for all who struggle with autism spectrum disorders.
On the website: Under Tool Kits:
Feeding difficulty:
Some researchers estimate that over half of children with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have some sort of issue with food. These feeding issues can be of significant concern to parents because they might impact their child’s health and wellbeing.
The Exploring Feeding Behavior in Autism: A Guide for Parents guide is divided into three sections:
- The first section helps break down all of the complicated variables that actually go into the process of eating.
- The second provides guidelines about when you should be concerned about your child’s eating behavior and also gives a plan of action for how to address your concerns.
- The last section of the tool kit gives some practical tips about how to implement some changes at home to improve feeding behaviors and answers some frequently asked questions that parents have about this important issue.Down load the free guide at their website.
Children with autism might have more problems with constipation than other children. Difficulty with things like sitting on the toilet and eating different foods can make treating constipation challenging.
The Guide for Managing Constipation in Children Tool Kit for Parents was created to provide strategies and resources for parents of children with autism who have problems with constipation along with issues that can make treating it difficult.
The tool kit includes information and tips for families such as:
- An overview of constipation
- Information about daily treatment of constipation
- Specific tips and strategies to relieve constipation including increasing fiber in your child’s diet, positive reinforcement in bowel movement training and medication options