Upcoming webinar: UNDERSTANDING AND UTILIZING SYNACTIVE ERGONOMICS AND THEIR ROLE IN SUCCESSFUL FEEDING OUTCOMES: ESTABLISHING THE EARLY FOUNDATIONS: PART II JOHN CHAPPEL, MA, RPT, Director of Synactive Pediatrics URSA EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE, Sacramento CA please use this link below to register. https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8503994931842330625 Please contact Keep Reading >>

Addition to the Post on Developing skills for pediatric feeding therapy locally
Thank you for emailing me Diane! Please check on comments posted here for more good suggestions! www.agesandstages.net: Resources for Feeding, Speech, and Mouth Function Free feeding information on the site in the blog and Q & A sections: http://www.agesandstages.net/blogsa-z.php http://www.agesandstages.net/qa2z.php There is also an E-Course to get folks started Keep Reading >>
Developing the skills for pediatric feeding therapy locally
Question: I recently received a comment with a question about how best to develop the skills to provide pediatric feeding and swallowing intervention (as a working professional, with limited ability to travel). Many therapists (myself included) graduated before classes were introduced into the grad school curriculum. The reader asked for suggestions for online courses or programs or books Keep Reading >>

Feeding Therapy: What to Do When You are Stuck
I get emails all the time asking for advice on how to get kids to eat. Many of these children are in therapy but are having difficulty progressing toward the acceptance of food and liquid. I have said this before but will say it again, these kids are hard, feeding intervention can be challenging and what works for one child may not work for another. As a feeding therapist, I am a believer in Keep Reading >>

The Whys and Hows of Treating the Retracted Tongue- Video Examples
The Center for Pediatric Feeding & Swallowing St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital, Paterson, NJ www.feedingcenter.org Video examples: Clip 1 shows the client using his lips to help transport (not using tongue as retracted). clip 1 Clip 2 shows good chin support and getting on tongue with spoon. clip 2 Keep Reading >>
The Whys and Hows of Treating the Retracted Tongue
Written by: The Center for Pediatric Feeding & Swallowing St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital, Paterson, NJ www.feedingcenter.org Failure to advance texture is a very common feeding problem for many children. Successful advancement of texture is dependent on the ability to move the tongue freely and fluidly throughout the oral cavity while the jaw remains stable. Keep Reading >>

Feeding Therapy: The Benefits of Working Closely with Parents and Establishing a Home Program
Most therapists would agree that one of the markers of success in feeding therapy is when a parent or caregiver can successfully feed their child. I would add that it is our job as feeding therapists to not only work with the child but to also work closely with the caregivers. Specifically, to empower caregivers and parents with the skills needed to successfully feed their children and to support Keep Reading >>
Ideas for Transitioning off of a G-tube
When a child is referred for feeding therapy to transition off of a feeding tube, what is the best intervention strategy? The best answer is the one that works in the most efficient way possible! In all honesty, there is no standard approach to transitioning off of a feeding tube. There are many different approaches that range from: reducing tube feeding volumes to encourage Keep Reading >>