Updates from the Feeding FlockThere is now a third version of the NeoEAT for infants who are doing a combination of breastfeeding and bottle-feeding: the NeoEAT - Mixed Feeding. The paper just came out today and is open access, so you can download the PDF for free from the link below: [https://rdcu.be/bMxan](http://em.rdcu.be/wf/click…) Keep Reading >>
Feeding Flock News
I love being apart of this wonderful group of researchers! Read about the Feeding Flock in Carolina Nursing, pages 12-15 https://nursing.unc.edu/files/2017/10/Carolina-Nursing-Fall2017-v9-WEB.pdf Keep Reading >>
Feeding Flock News
http://nursing.unc.edu/uncs-feeding-flock-featured-in-american-journal-of-maternalchild-nursing/?utm_content=buffer30454 UNC’s “Feeding Flock” is featured in the latest edition of the American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing. Please check this out- so proud of my colleagues! The UNC feeding team also had the opportunity to contribute to one of the articles. Keep Reading >>