As we know, there is often confusion about what is a PFD and what is ARFID. This new consensus paper brings the conversation to the forefront of how these diagnoses overlap, influence each other, and differ throughout the age range. Thank you to the authors for this thoughtful paper!A US-Based Consensus on Diagnostic Overlap and Distinction for Pediatric Feeding Disorder Keep Reading >>
PFD ADVOCACY IN ACTION: PFD AS A STAND-ALONE DIAGNOSISPublished by Jaclyn Pederson, Feeding Matters CEO on Aug 28, 2020More than a symptom, pediatric feeding disorder is its own diagnosis.Recently, Feeding Matters received word that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has officially approved Pediatric Feeding Disorder to be a stand-alone diagnostic code (R code) in the next Keep Reading >>