Blog updates
Recommended products– please check out the store or recommended product link on the top of the home page. This is new with the blog upgrade. I have posted books and products (cups, spoons, chewies, and feeding supplies) I like, have found helpful, or that I have heard that other feeding therapists like. If you click on the product I have written a short blurb about why I like the product and you can purchase through amazon. If you like something you do not see, shoot me an email ( and I will add it so others can benefit from the recommendation. I am still working on organizing the info so at this point, you must scroll through the pages to see everything. And in full disclosure, if you buy something, I get a small small small % which I am putting toward maintaining the blog. I had my first purchase this week, thank you to whomever you are! (someone bought a $10 book and I received 40 cents!!! We had a small party here at my house). So if you like the blog and would like to support this endeavor- please consider the store as one way to do that! Thank you.
Calendar– I have added a calendar feature on the right side of the home page. If you see a dot on the calendar, click on it and that tells you about my workshops and where I will be. You can also go to the workshop home page on the top menu and see a listing of my workshops. If other presenters are interested in posting their workshops/ presentations/ conferences, please email me for details at .
E-books – These are coming! I am in process of writing some e-books (also as funding source for this blog). The first one will be for caregivers and parents as a supportive guide to what it means to have a child with feeding difficulty and where to get help. I plan on also creating some info on “how to become a feeding specialist” and “pull together a feeding team” and “medical and nutritional management strategies for feeding”. So look for those to come.
Thank you for reading and supporting the blog! There is never any obligation for buying anything and I am committed to writing and maintaining a free blog full of current information for clinicians and caregivers. Feel free to email me topics that you are interested in hearing about. Happy feeding!
Thank you, Krisi Brackett MS CCC-SLP
Megan Karr says
Thank you!