The TR-eat® Model Written by: Carol Elliott, OTR/L and Elizabeth Clawson, PhD Elliott, C. & Clawson, E. (2010). The TR-eat Model. Pediatric Feeding and Dysphagia Newsletter. December, Vol 10, #4, p1-6. (Revised 2018) The TRansdisciplinary Effective Assessment and Treatment (TR-eat®) model melds medical management, skill building and behavioral interventions to create a Keep Reading >>
Upcoming virtual workshop: Fostering Collaborative Care: Parent & Provider Perspectives
Upcoming virtual workshop: Fostering Collaborative Care: Parent & Provider Perspectives Upcoming virtual workshop: Join Feeding Matters on Thursday, August 10, 2017 from 7:00 – 8:00 pm ET for Fostering Collaborative Care: Parent & Provider Perspectives, a virtual workshop. Presenters will Keep Reading >>
ASHA Live Pediatric Feeding Webinar- May 10 (available later recorded)
ASHA: Pediatric Feeding Assessments and Interventions (Live Webinar) Author: Pamela Dodrill, PhD, CCC-SLP Live Webinar Member: $79.00 Nonmember: $103.00 Live Webinar (Group) $249.00 Live Broadcast: Wednesday, May 10, 2017, 1:00–3:00 p.m. Eastern time Last day to register for Live broadcast: Wednesday, May 10, 2017, Noon, Eastern time This course will focus on managing Keep Reading >>
Blog updates
Blog updates Recommended products- please check out the store or recommended product link on the top of the home page. This is new with the blog upgrade. I have posted books and products (cups, spoons, chewies, and feeding supplies) I like, have found helpful, or that I have heard that other feeding therapists like. If you click on the product I have written a short blurb about why I like the Keep Reading >>
Attending the CHOP conference
Last weekend, I attended The CHOP (Children's Hospital of Philadelphia ) conference, When Feeding Becomes Disordered: Strategies to Improve Pediatric Health Outcomes, with my feeding team from UNC, we had a good time! It was a great weekend despite the April snow in Philly. Thank you CHOP for hosting such an informative meeting! Here are the highlights: On Friday, there was a Keep Reading >>
New Pediatric Feeding Online Discussion Group
You are invited to join an online discussion group dedicated to professionals working with children with pediatric feeding problems. One goal of the group is to form a national consortium of pediatric feeding programs. The ultimate purposes of such a consortium would be to facilitate communication among providers, consolidate and share resources, provide opportunities for collaboration, and Keep Reading >>
Local Workshop: April 29-30, Raleigh, NC
Local Feeding Therapists- For those of you who have been asking if I am going to do a local course, I have set a date: April 29-30, 2016, Raleigh, NC. Raleigh Brochure2016 CAN-EAT Feeding Course (using medical, motor, and behavioral strategies in pediatric feeding intervention) This two day course will focus on evaluation and treatment of feeding disorders using the CAN-EAT Keep Reading >>
Developing the skills for pediatric feeding therapy locally
Question: I recently received a comment with a question about how best to develop the skills to provide pediatric feeding and swallowing intervention (as a working professional, with limited ability to travel). Many therapists (myself included) graduated before classes were introduced into the grad school curriculum. The reader asked for suggestions for online courses or programs or books Keep Reading >>