This article was published in Advance for Speech-Language Pathologists, November, 2004 , Vol. 14 •Issue 45 • Page 10. Advance gave permission to re-post. Original article can be accessed at: Since Susan Langmore developed fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES) in 1988, the use of endoscopy for Keep Reading >>
Solid food dysphagia in pediatrics- what does it mean?
Some children will be referred for a feeding and swallowing evaluation because of solid food dysphagia or difficulty swallowing solids. Caregivers might describe coughing, choking or gagging on solid food during mealtime. What does this mean and how should it be evaluated? Solid food dysphagia can be related to several different etiologies. GI Issues: In adult patients, solid food Keep Reading >>