Today's guest post is from my friend and former colleague Heidi Moreland. Heidi describes the tube weaning program used at Spectrum Pediatrics. Feeding Tube to Family Table: An Introduction to the Spectrum Pediatrics Tube Weaning Program by Heidi Moreland, It is well known that children who have significant medical histories requiring feeding tube placement Keep Reading >>
Liquid Hope from functional formularies 1. What is Liquid Hope? Liquid Hope is the worlds’ first and only organic, whole food, and plant-based feeding tube formula and oral meal replacement. Unlike other enteral formulas on the market, Liquid Hope is made with no added sugars and no artificial ingredients – just the wholesomeness of 16 whole food ingredients like garbanzo beans, quinoa, Keep Reading >>
Cyproheptadine (or periactin) to Boost Appetite
Question: I was searching your site for more information about the use of cyproheptadine as an appetite stimulant. I recently had an evaluation with a kiddo who is taking this twice a day to increase appetite but mom doesn't think it has helped much. Wondering what your team does for dosage? I have had some experience working with periactin and I remember that it was usually best to be on it Keep Reading >>
GI Issues that interfere with successful feeding: How to recognize the symptoms
There are many reasons that infants and children develop feeding problems. Many of these children have a history of prematurity, neurological dysfunction, respiratory issues, gastrointestinal dysfunction, and learned patterns of behavior as well as other issues. Research supports that a significant number of children have feeding difficulty related to their GI dysfunction. Hyman PE. Keep Reading >>
The importance of gastroenterology in treating feeding problems.
At UNC Hospitals, I do about 7 new feeding evals each week. 5 of these are with our pediatric feeding team which includes speech, GI and nutrition and 2 are scheduled as a speech pathology/feeding evaluation. The evals are scheduled based on the doctor's referral so they come in earmarked for feeding team or written for a speech path feeding eval. I've been making a mental note of the Keep Reading >>